..Réjoinder and Variation. Alberto Martín (2018)
..In 1962 Ed Ruscha started to take a series of photographs of gas stations along the mythical and iconized
..Route 66, in states such as Arizona, New Mexico, Texas or California. A year later, in 1963, the artist published
..these photographs in the form of a modest book under the title of Twentysix Gasoline Stations. This first work
..was followed by other small books of photographs serially produced by Ruscha... » Read more..

..Bergera sympathizes with the places, floats a lay prayer for those spaces that do not enjoy the solemnity of other
..architectures. They are not cathedrals, they are not museums, they are not castles, they are not great mansions.
..They are not Europe, they are America. Therefore, they are places halfway between architecture and
..nothingness, halfway between the empty lot and the hut, between the ghost and the human being, between
..I do not know if what Bergera photographs can be defined as industrial archaeology or whether they are just
..the architectural remains of an earlier failed energy development policy. What we can affirm, however, is that
..these abandoned architectural structures stand steady and immobile and, as such, they are becoming symbols
..of a past in which they had splendour and purpose. In any event, the important thing is that when they are
..photographed by Bergera we find them almost moving. » Read more
...the architectural remains of an earlier failed energy development policy. What we can affirm, however, is that
..these abandoned architectural structures stand steady and immobile and, as such, they are becoming symbols
..of a past in which they had splendour and purpose. In any event, the important thing is that when they are
..photographed by Bergera we find them almost moving. » Read more
..No se pueden mirar las fotografías de Iñaki Bergera sin unir sus dos mundos, la arquitectura y la fotografía.
..Da igual cuál sea el motivo fotografiado, todo tiene que ver con esa mirada educada y formada desde esos dos
..espacios, una mirada que se detiene certera en ese momento mágico que convierte una escena en una imagen
..irrepetible, una puesta de sol, un amanecer, el reflejo de una luz en un edificio, el agua… Para él, ser arquitecto no es
..sólo una profesión, es una actitud, una manera de enfrentarse al mundo que nos rodea, un mundo en el que el
..paisaje se funde con la arquitectura, con los objetos y con el ser humano. . » Read more
....Da igual cuál sea el motivo fotografiado, todo tiene que ver con esa mirada educada y formada desde esos dos
..espacios, una mirada que se detiene certera en ese momento mágico que convierte una escena en una imagen
..irrepetible, una puesta de sol, un amanecer, el reflejo de una luz en un edificio, el agua… Para él, ser arquitecto no es
..sólo una profesión, es una actitud, una manera de enfrentarse al mundo que nos rodea, un mundo en el que el
..paisaje se funde con la arquitectura, con los objetos y con el ser humano. . » Read more

..On Bergera’s Cross-Cultural Urbanscapes. Sibel Bozdogan (2008)
..The Nobel laureate Turkish novelist Orhan Pamuk observes, via Walter Benjamin, that the connection
..between a city and its inhabitants are always mediated by memories whereas the enthusiasm for seeing
..the city from the outside and for relishing the picturesque and the exotic belongs to the visitor. Inaki Bergera’s
..exquisitely paired photographs of New York and Istanbul testify to precisely such a palpable enthusiasm
..for looking and seeing 'from the outside'... » Read more

..There are many ways of looking at architecture, but few ways to truly see it. To see architecture requires
..that the viewer consider and contemplate the subject of analysis. He or she must enjoy a careful and
..attentive understanding of the object. The attitude implicit in this action is imperative to create and appreciate
..architecture. Here, Iñaki Bergera presents a series of photographs of the buildings that have interested him
..on his American visits... » Read more

..It is inevitable to start underlining the double condition, architect and photographer, of Iñaki Bergera.
..I have never done it but in cases such as his, one has the temptation –somehow venomous, I confess–
..of asking him what was first, the chicken or the egg. I suspect, beyond the inconvenience of my question
..–now it will be said to be politically incorrect– that in the course of his life both activities must be interweaved
..to the point of becoming a whole from which one of them can’t be removed without impunity... » Read more

..Iñaki Bergera is architect and photographer, and these activities can’t be separated within his daily tasks.
..Since it deals with the kind of pictures in which technique is privileged over craftwork, photography has given
..some of its best results in alliance with architecture. This is a “constructive” art, tactile, made, like photography,
..out of space and light; that, nowadays, explores a kind of formal and structured beauty, susceptible to a look
..both humble and sophisticated, as the one required by photography... » Read more